ProjectWise Explorer Help

To See the Active Security Settings of a Folder or Work Area, Using the Access Control Tab

A folder can have both Workflow and Folder Security Type settings defined for it, therefore it may be necessary to see which permissions are actually in effect for this folder. For example, when a folder has both Workflow and Folder Security Type settings defined but does not have a workflow assigned to it, then only the Folder Security Type settings will be in effect. When a folder has both Workflow and Folder Security Type settings defined and it does have a workflow assigned to it, then only the Workflow Security Type settings will be in effect.

  1. Select a folder or work area.
  2. In the Preview Pane, select the Access Control tab.
  3. On the Access Control tab, set Security Type to Real (Workflow & Folder).

    The security settings currently in effect for this folder or project are displayed.

Note: A folder may have Workflow Security Type settings defined, even when there is no workflow actually assigned to the folder. In this case, the defined Workflow Security Type settings are ignored, but would become effective the moment a workflow is assigned to the folder.